Welcome to Peace Through Commerce

Creating flourishing societies built upon justice, prosperity, and sustainability using its proprietary Matrix of Peace framework — theory, model, and technology

Who we are

Peace Through Commerce, Inc. is a strategic, global, and educational nonprofit corporation dedicated to creating a world where all people enjoy peace and prosperity.  Through our proprietary society building, peacebuilding, and problem-solving theory, model, and technology–the Matrix of Peace framework–we bring together historically siloed and sometimes hostile societal sectors.  Such sectors become capable of finding shared values and using whole systems solutions to generate widespread flourishing for all life.

Peace Through Commerce, Inc. has created two active programs, Peace Through Commerce and Accelerating Women Entrepreneurs, and incubated a number of aligned programs such as Shakti Leadership, Future Frontiers, Radical Social Entrepreneurs, and Alumni Donors Unite.

The Matrix of Peace: our value add to society building, peacebuilding, and problem-solving

The Matrix of Peace is a robust, multi-sector, consciousness-raising framework for designing and activating peaceful societies.  Its purpose is to create an ecosystem of societal peace.  Its goal is widespread flourishing of all life.  The parameters of the model assume society is a conscious, dynamic, chaordic®, intelligent, and progressive ecosystem, open to evolution, experimentation, creative growth, and decay.

The creation of the Matrix of Peace Whole Systems Model of Society led to a family of disciplines for society building:  a theory, a diagrammatic model of society, and a technology for applying the theory.  The three disciplines have become known as Matrix of Peace Systems.

The theory behind the Matrix model is a fully-realized, coherent, whole systems theory of society building.  It states that an ecosystem of societal peace ensues from public, private, and civil society sectors co-operating (not merely operating) from a field of shared values to generate justice, prosperity, and sustainability–with sustainability referring to environmental, economic, and social long-term well-being.  It leads people to understand problems like pandemics, poverty, war, inequality, and climate change from both human consciousness and best practices viewpoints.  It points out areas of values-agreement and guides stakeholders to create new solutions to age-old problems from a different level of consciousness than that which created them.

One paradoxical constant holds true for all Matrix thinking about what society is. That constant is that society is ever-changing. Instead of ignoring that society and our goals for nurturing it are ever-changing, Matrix of Peace Systems theory, model, and technology are grounded in this truth. This is one reason they are so valuable in the fields of society building, peacebuilding, and problem-solving. They work with and honor the reality of society as the living, conscious, dynamic, chaordic, intelligent, and progressive ecosystem that it truly is.

Thus, Matrix theory provides a new, whole-systems knowledge base for designing and actualizing ecosystems of societal peace.  This knowledge base provides the scaffolding for a new geometry, science, philosophy, biology, ecology, and cosmology of society.  We believe Matrix of Peace Systems will guide humanity to unlock the operating code for long-term peace.  They describe our Theory of Change for achieving societal peace.

Matrix technology operationalizes Matrix theory to achieve healthy ecosystems of societal peace in two disciplines: 1) education and training in the theory, and 2) consulting, convening, and curating Matrix-grounded work in society building, peacebuilding, and problem-solving.

Matrix theory offers Matrix design goals for actualizing societies which are just, prosperous, sustainable, and capable of achieving an ecosystem of societal peace.  Matrix technology includes a methodology and facilitation tool to achieve conscious, whole-systems peacebuilding and problem-solving outcomes.

The definition of societal peace in Matrix terminology is that time when society is generating sufficient outcomes of justice, prosperity, and sustainability to maintain an ecosystem of societal peace and flourishing.

In this framework, peace is not a static goal but rather a means to an end leading to widespread flourishing for all life. Communities do not achieve a “state of peace,” they achieve an “ecosystem of peace” where peace is the ongoing outcome of a healthy, well-functioning society.  It is fed by peace-optimizing values and virtues such as love, compassion, and empathy, and grounded in the best practices of the classical liberal tradition and the human potential movement.

In short, Peace Through Commerce, Inc. operates as a dedicated team of peace-thinkers and peacebuilders in the “mind-changing” business.


PTC Engages

How We Work in the World 


    We bring together leaders, organizations, businesses and ideas to catalyze new, multi-sector approaches to accelerate peacebuilding.


    We collaborate with partners in peace-building and work with clients from different sectors to create context-specific solutions for advancing peace and prosperity.


    In Accelerating Women Entrepreneurs (“AWE”) program, we honor women entrepreneurs as key change-makers to bringing whole systems peacebuilding to life.    Visit our honored Shakti Leadership Incubator and AWE Fellowship pages!


Supporters of PTC’s mission to spread peace and prosperity

  • I believe business leaders can liberate the extraordinary power of business and commerce to create a world in which all people live lives full of purpose, love, and creativity- a world of compassion, freedom, and prosperity. I endorse Peace Through Commerce because it is dedicated to teaching the principles that animate how commerce, consciousness, and law can work inter-dependently to achieve sustainable peace. I wholeheartedly endorse PTC and encourage others to give PTC their support.

    John Mackey, Co-CEO and Co-Founder

    Whole Foods Market

  • I am deeply inspired by the wonderful work being done by the deeply committed and visionary leaders of Peace Through Commerce.

    Raj Sisodia, FW Olin Distinguished Professor

    Global Business, Babson College

  • We couldn’t have been better supported by Peace Through Commerce’s creative and strategic team and the

    ground breaking ideas they advance through the Matrix of Peace Whole Systems Model.

    Gina Torry, Executive Director

    2016 Nobel Peace Prize Forum

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