Strive For Peace

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DATE • 20 April 2018

GOAL • To design together, from our past life experiences, future possibilities for an egalitarian society and joint living in Israel.

PARTNER • Sindyanna of Galilee Association

AUDIENCE • Jews and Arabs from the Galilee

WHERE • Kana village – 90% Muslim, 10% Christian village near Nazareth

WHO • 58 Attendees

Two stories evolved during the Strive For Peace event that were greatly moving.

One Arab woman said that today she looks out of her house window, in Nazareth Illit (mostly populated by Jews), towards the village from which her parents and grandparents fled in 1948. There were many years when in her heart there was great sorrow. But today, after working with Jews for common causes, the sorrow has changed in her heart and has become compassion … compassion for all those who participated in the 1948 war, compassion for the conflict situation between two peoples who suffer.

Another story was told by a Jewish woman who had cancer and is now receiving chemotherapy (our hope she recovers.) The woman shared that her greatest fear was that she would no longer be able to support and help her relatives, friends, and those in her community, as she had done in the past. Her greatest fear is not that she might die, but that she will not be able to contribute to others.

Feedback from the entrepreneurs:

–  “I went through a very exciting experience.”

–  “Wow, how powerful was this day, both the performance and what we shared in circles.”

–  “Thank you, even though I sold only a little jewelry, it was still worth coming here, It was inspiring to hear so many touching stories from people I don’t know.”

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