Videos for approval

PTC Interview with José Graziano da Silva

December 12, 1218 – Oslo, Norway
Watch Jose Graziano da Silva, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FOA) who for over 30 years has worked on food security, rural development and agriculture issues speak about climate change and its urgent impact on food production. 

PTC Interview with Alexander Verbeek

December 12, 2018 – Oslo, Norway
Watch Alexander Verbeek, Policy Director, Environment & Development Resource Centre Brussels, environmentalist, diplomat, and former strategic policy advisor at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlight the 5 things we can all do NOW to reduce our carbon footprint.

PTC Interview with Dr Thina Margrethe Saltevdt

December 12, 2018 – Oslo, Norway
Watch Thina Margrethe Saltevdt, Senior Advisor Sustainable Finance Division, Nordea Bank the largest banking group in the Nordic region speak about capital risk, transparency and ways responsible banking can shift its mentality about climate change and its impact to invest in a sustainable and new future.

PTC Interview with Mawahibi Al Shaibani

December 12, 2018 – Oslo, Norway
Watch Mawahibi Al Shaibani, Director of International Association of Human Values Iraq, speak about advancing women’s roles in society. Empowering women collectivly and as individuals – creating stronger connections, sustainable peace, and strengthening families, communities and societies around the world.

PTC Interview with Don Shelby

December 11, 2018 – Oslo, Norway
Watch Don Shelby, an award-winning investigative journalist who has covered climate change for over 30 years discuss how media can improve its coverage of climate change.

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