Category Archives: Nobel Peace Prize Forum

  1. PTCs interview with José Graziano da Silva

    Watch José Graziano da Silva, Director of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FOA) who for over 30 years has worked on food security, rural development and agriculture issues speak about climate change and its urgent impact on…

  2. Alexander Veerbeck interview

    PTC begins the release of a series of video interviews held at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum 2018 event held in Oslo, Norway, where the topic was “How to Solve the Climate Crisis?” featuring Nobel laureate Al Gore. Watch Alexander…

  3. @ptcnobel2018

  4. ‘Women, Health, Peace & Prosperity: Connecting Beyond Borders & Boundaries’

    Peace Through Commerce Team in Oslo was featured at the ‘Women, Health, Peace & Prosperity: Connecting Beyond Borders & Boundaries’ WIN Conference during @NPPFOslo ‘Connecting Women Who Are Working Consciously, Elevating People & Creating Peace’ Panel discussion on initiatives creating…

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