Friends of PTC

Peace Through Commerce launches the  #IAmAPeaceBuilder campaign

Are you a peacebuilder? While your first instinct might be to say, “no, not me”, we challenge you to think about how much of a peacebuilder you already are in your life.  Do you broker peace with your kids, your colleagues, your teams, your families, your neighbors and your friends?  Is you life richer, more full of opportunities, happier, more productive and better for everyone in your circles when you strive for peace? Then you are already a peacebuilder and you see the benefit of your peacebuilding efforts in your daily life!

2018 brings global opportunities for peacebuilding. Individuals are rising up to stand for justice and equality. Behind the limelight of frightening headlines, there are new developments in peaceful methodologies aimed at everything from de-radicalizing youth recruited by ISIS to the application of our very own Matrix of Peace Model, which is currently facilitating women in Israel and the West Bank as peacebuilders working with together toward prosperity, friendship, healthy communities and peace.

And these are but two current examples of how baseline peacebuilding is changing the world. To honor and celebrate all the individuals who are committed to building peace through their daily efforts, today we launch the #IamAPeaceBuilder campaign.

We invite you to go viral with #IAmAPeaceBuilder. Share our video, or create and share your own describing how and why you are a peace builder.  Share our #PeaceThroughCommerce and  #IAmAFriendof PTC. Deluge your Social Media sites with this easy, vibrant commitment to peace. Together we create a safer, saner, more prosperous world.

I am a peacebullder and YOU are a peacebuilder.  Let’s make our world a far safer place, together.

Spread the word through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Talk to your friends, colleagues and family members, get them excited and enrolled, form #IAmAPeacebuilder Groups. Get your kids and networks involved and creatively spread our message. Make banners, posters, host rallies, share your ideas and share your ideas with us.

Help us spread the word:

Let us never forget that the action of a few has the power to make change possible. Only 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence, yet the action of these individuals led to the actions of many and changed the world. It starts with all of us claiming our role as peace builders and looking for opportunities to act NOW. Help us change the world. PEACE NOW!