Category Archives: Uncategorized

  1. PTC, President Phyllis in Oslo

  2. #IAmAPeaceBuilder Campaign

    Friends of PTC Peace Through Commerce launches the  #IAmAPeaceBuilder campaign Are you a peacebuilder? While your first instinct might be to say, “no, not me”, we challenge you to think about how much of a peacebuilder you already are in your life.  Do…

  3. Nobel Peace Prize Forum Oslo & Reception

    In the coming days, we’ll be sharing a deep dive about everything we heard and learned during our time in Oslo at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum. But for now, we want to share these photos and say THANK YOU…

  4. Are you ready to join us in Oslo?

    Friends of PTC, are you ready to join us in Oslo? As we announced last week, PTC is a title event partner for the Nobel Peace Prize Forum Oslo 2017. Coming up in a few short days, following the Nobel…

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